River of Music 365

365 days, 365 songs.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

9/365 Waiting

We wait. Wait to turn 16, to finish college, get married, have a kid, have the kid grow into the next stage, to grow old with our mate, to get divorced. We wait in line, in traffic, that phone call, our paycheck, for spring to come. In our waiting, some of us have to train ourselves to live in the moment, to be content with what we have and to share that with others.

I liked this "behind the song" video because it shows how the song was born and it seems so simple.

1 comment:

Otter said...

Great post and vid. Ah yes living in the moment while waiting... that's how I started my "read in the check-out line" habit.

Tom is an awesome guitar player.
I <3 Eddie Vedder.